
With tons of diamond being mined every year, not all of them find their place in the jewel box, as most of them do not have the 4 C’s – color, cut, carat and clarity that are necessary for ornamental purpose. Are they thrown back? No, they find excellent application where their abrasive nature, hardness, toughness, wear & tear resistance and temperature bearing capability are brilliantly leveraged. Yes, the industrial usage of diamonds is quite old and fetches far flung benefits. Being a renowned diamond tools manufacturer, it is our pleasure to share few interesting facts about these industrial diamonds.
What are industrial diamonds?
In the first place, it is very much necessary to understand what exactly these industrial diamonds are? Well, being smaller in size, typically 1 mm or less, they may not be suitable for ornamental purpose due to
- Polycrystalline in structure
- Presence of numerous inclusions
- Poor clarity
- Presence of fractures
As it makes economical sense to prepare industrial diamonds through synthetic route, most of them are artificially prepared. Believe us, more that 5 billion carats of diamonds are prepared through artificial methods to cater industrial requirement.
- Sectors involved in cutting, drilling and polishing are completely dependent on industrial diamonds. The reason is quite simple – the ability of diamonds to withstand high pressure and temperature, exceptionally good hardness and abrasive properties makes it a perfect choice for these applications. Be it for metalworking or construction industry, the power of diamond cutting tools is put into its best of use in arriving at the final shape of the product.
- Mining and oil exploration firms use diamond called bort to make heavy duty drill bits and moreover saws are embedded with diamonds for cutting rocks or concrete slabs even few feet thick.
- Being an excellent conductor of heat, diamonds are used in electronics industry to conduct heat at faster rate. Ofcourse, for this same reason, industrial grade diamonds have started to find place in electronic chips and space shuttles so that the necessity of bulky cooling systems are negated.
Size, quality, and shape
So, how to select the best industrial diamond for your application? The selection criterion is hugely dependent of three factors – size, quality, and shape.
- Size: It is a known fact that mass of the diamond is measured in carats, where one carat is equal to 1/5th of a gram. Based on the end application, the size of diamonds is chosen by the industries. For example, borts that are used in drill bits are further crushed to be used in grinding wheels and cutting tools. In short, any size of diamond finds an excellent industrial application.
- Quality: Well, it is tough to gauge the quality of diamond that is suitable for your application and hence the job of evaluation is well left to the experts. Ofcourse, diamonds with good structure and shape are bound to deliver astounding performance and this is easily validated by the universal acceptance of diamond dressers.
- Shape: As diamonds come in various shapes, they all have unique applications
- Octahedron and dodecahedron – single point, cluster, and radius tools.
- Crystals – thread grinding
- Ballas – dressing
- Points – cone and radius tools
- Cubes – single point and clusters
- Macle – radius tools
- Elongated – cluster, blade, cone, radius, chisel, and indexable dressing tools.
Well, we can fill you with numerous other details, facts, and applications of diamond. If your engineering application is in need of specialized diamond tools, we can always customize the same for you. Contact us today to know how we can deliver better results for you.